Year: 2022

What I’ve learn working with EKS and Kubernetes RBAC

RBAC or Role-based Access Control, is a key feature of Kubernetes (a.k.a. k8s) that provides access control by roles and role bindings. A role will be defined with a set of api_groups (“” for default, “apps”, “autoscaling”, “batch”, “extensions”, “”, “”,””,”, resources (pods, deployments, namespaces, secrets, persistentvolumes, configmaps, nodes), and vebs (create, get, delete, list, […]

Configmap and the AWS EKS Terraform Module

I’m currently on a cool project where we are automating the deployment of EKS clusters with Terraform. The TFE server is configured with an IAM user, that TF user will automatically be added to the aws-auth section of the configmap. We have EKS module code to add our SSO group’s rolearn to the configmap. The […]

My takeways from Terraform code and Gateway Load Balancer

My first bit of code for my new employer was help to setup a “security VPC” that hosts a pair of Palo-Alto firewalls to inspect traffic from other AWS accounts (AKA “hub and spoke”). This work was based (loosely) on repos found here and here…these repos build a similar environment but within a single AWS […]

Handy PowerShell client-side code for print server migration

The Challenge A client will be decomissioning a Windows print server but will keep the printers and have Windows clients print directly to print devices. How can we automate the setup of the new printer ports and printers?…and as a bonus we’ll get a simple way to mitigate your environment from Printnightmare. The key there […]

How I removed credentials from my terraform code.

I had been using credential files in my terraform projects. Recently I switch to use AWS SSO and providing the profile name in the code. At runtime (plan, apply, etc.) terraform will use the token from the given profile. If AWS returns expired, the command will stop with authentication errors. Simply authenticate by cli via […]

Joining an EC2 instance to a self-managed AD to launch with user-data

My latest project is a bit of a return to my old life with Microsoft. The majority of my AWS work has been with Linux workloads, so it’s been nice to brush off my old skills and return to PowerShell 😃. After manually joining a couple of instances to a self-managed AD (not an AWS […]

The AWS DataSync performance trick that I didn’t know

My current project is a datacenter migration where we’re moving Windows workloads up to AWS. One item we had been struggling with was with two large file share servers. The shares are multiple terabytes in size with lots of small files/docs and subfolders. The challenge we had been dealing with the performance of DataSync with […]

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